Logo SuperCell Vector Cdr & Png HD - Free Logo PNG

Logo SuperCell Vector Cdr & Png HD

Logo SuperCell Vector Cdr & Png HD

Download Logo atau lambang SuperCell Vector CDR, SVG, AI, EPS & PDF Format, Vektor HD dan PNG. Anda bisa mendownload logo ini dengan resolusi gambar yang tinggi serta bisa juga memiliki file format CorelDRAW. Tetapi sebelum anda mendownload kita harus sedikit mengetahui penjelasan mengenai logo ini.

Supercell Oy (commonly known as simply Supercell) is a mobile game development company based in Helsinki, Finland. Founded in May 2010, the company's debut game was the browser game Gunshine.net, and after its release in 2011, Supercell started developing games for mobile devices. Since then, the company has fully released four mobile games: Hay Day, Clash of Clans, Boom Beach, and Clash Royale, which are freemium games and have been very successful for the company, the first two generating revenue of $2.4 million a day in 2013.

Accel Partners invested $12 million in Supercell in 2011, and in October 2013 it was announced that the Japanese company GungHo Online Entertainment and its parent SoftBank had acquired 51% of the company for a reported $2.1 billion.[5] On 1 June 2015, SoftBank acquired an additional 22.7% stake in Supercell, which brought their total stake to 73.2% of the company and made them the sole external shareholder. In 2016, Supercell reported annual revenues of around �2.11 billion. In three years, the company's revenues have grown a total of 800 percent, from 78.4 million (2012).

On 21 June 2016 Tencent announced a deal to acquire 84.3% of Supercell with USD 8.6 billion. Japan's SoftBank values Supercell at $10.2 billion. On 8 December, 2016 Supercell launched a web animated series Clash-A-Rama.

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Logo SuperCell Vector Cdr & Png HD

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